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Planning Board Minutes 02/01/2018
  Chichester Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
Thursday February 1, 2018

Members Present: Chairman Stan Brehm, Michael Williams, Richard Moore, Jeff Jordan, Tom Houle, Richard Bouchard and Kristy Barnouski Secretary.

Others present: Jon Rokeh, Doug Valley, Kathryn Valley, Rivkah Valley, James Valley, Gail Towle, James Towle, Robert Madison, Chet and Mary Christine McPhail and other members of the public.

Mr. Brehm called the meeting to order at 6:30pm.

Mr. Bouchard will be a voting member for this meeting.  

Continued Public Hearing-Amendment of the Building Code

Mrs. Barnouski stated that the proposed Building Code was presented to the Board because the current code is out of date.  The new code will allow the Town to follow the current state code.  The Board reviewed the proposed amended code drafted by Mr. Cole. Mr. Cole was not able to be in attendance but Mrs. Barnouski was able to address the numbering in the code which corresponds with the State of NH Building Code.

Mr. Willams made a motion and Mr. Bouchard seconded to put the proposed Building Code on the 2018 Zoning Ballot. Motion passes.  

Site Plan Review-Enigma Holdings
Mr. Rokeh added presented the Site Plan review for Enigma Holdings located at 4 King Road.  Mr. Rokeh stated that he had added a treatment swale and adjusted the proposed building. He also stated that this structure will only be used for personal use and not injunction with his business, Central NH Animal Care.  He will be using it for tractor storage and personal storage.  
After reviewing the plan Mr. Moore noted that the plan is missing a first floor elevation and it needed to be stamped.
Mr. Willams made a motion and Mr. Houle seconded to accept the Site Plan review as complete. Motion passes.
Mr. Houle made a motion and Mr. Willams seconded that the Enigma Holdings, LLC. Site Plan did not create any regional impact. Motion passes.
Mr. Willams made a motion and Mr. Houle seconded to approve the Site Plan Review for Enigma Holdings, LLC.  Motion passes.

Public Hearing
Site Plan Review-Cruiserparts, LLC.  
Mr. Doug Valley gave his presentation on the Site Plan prepared for this public hearing.  He stated that he would be doing his own well monitoring as well as doing visual monitoring checks of the ground.  He also shared that all cars are drained over impervious surfaces and that they use best management practices.  

Mr. Valley stated that there a drainage ditch on Rt. 4 which water goes through a series of drainage pipes across Rt. 4.  
Mr. Moore   asked if there would be any runoff from the roof of the proposed building.
Mr. Valley stated that there is a proposed 25’ area around the building which will then run into the dense trees.  
Mr. Valley stated that he currently at his current business site has roughly 400 vehicles which most will remain there until he decides to close that location.  He also mention that he maybe has 1 customer per week that comes in person and the rest is done by mail.  Fed Ex and UPS are the main people using the driveway.  
After reviewing the checklist there were several items that need to be addressed.  
These items include
  • Labeling parking and loading
  • Receiving the current DOT and DES permits that are in progress
  • Permanent 1st floor elevations
  • Adding notes that the artesian well can be used for monitor the water
  • A stamp on the plan from a soil scientist regarding swales and French drains
  • Mark utility lines with arrows showing direction
  • Find a solution for building height exceeding maximum height
  • Work on building size regarding square footage with Fire Department for fire suppression and allowed size.  
Mr. Jordan made a motion and Mr. Williams seconded to accept the plan as complete.  Motion passes.   

Upon further discussion it was decided that Mr. Valley would pave or use reclaim for enough spots for employees, 1 handicap, and a couple for customers equaling 20 total spots which is to be put on the plat.  

Mr. McPhail who is an abutter asked about the hours of operation.  Mr. Valley replied that they will be open 9:00am-6:00pm Monday through Friday, no weekends.
The Board also told Mr. Valley the one of the signs must be removed on Rt. 4 as Chichester does not allow for two street signs.  
Mr. Brehm asked the Board if it was necessary to have this project reviewed by the Town engineer.  The consensus of the Board was not to have this project reviewed.   

Mr. Williams made a motion and Mr. Houle seconded that the Cruiserparts, LLC. Site Plan is not a regional impact. Motion passes.

The Board voted to support the following warrant articles:
Article #2 to amend article 3 Section 18
Article #3 to amend the building code
Article #4 to amend the sign
Mr. Willams made a motion and Mr. Houle seconded to recommend all 3 warrants by the Planning Board.  Motion passes.

The Board voted not to support the following warrant article:
Article #5 Citizens petition warrant article
Mr. Williams made a motion and Mr. Houle seconded to not recommend article #5.  Motion passes.

Adjournment- Having no further business, a motion was made by Mr. Williams made a motion and seconded by Mr. Jordan to adjourn the meeting at 9:06pm

Respectfully submitted,

Kristy Barnouski, Secretary
Not approved until signed.

Chairman, Stan Brehm